Lower Back pain 


Lower back pain treatment 

Following assessment and examination to determine the cause of your pain, our Physiotherapist -Ellie will devise a treatment plan which will be discussed with you.

 Back pain treatment at Ellie Physiotherapy &Wellness , may include:

 Manual therapy (mobilisation,  spinal manipulation)

Soft tissue techniques(for example back pain massage)

Home exercise program(back pain stretches and core exercises)and self- management advice. 

Back pain management and prevention :Our Physio  may offer postural ,sleeping position, lifestyle and ergonomics advise.

Evidence suggest that back pain is best managed by remaining active, undertaking appropriate exercise/rehab , and administering appropriate pain relief. 

If the problem is severe ,our Physiotherapist may refer you for an MRI scan to identify the cause of your problem and will be able to advice you whether a referral to a Specialist is required.

Lower back pain is very common – around 6 in 10 people will get it at some point during their life. In most cases, back pain gets better within a few weeks with some simple self-help measures. You may not need to have treatment. But sometimes, your pain may last longer and affect your daily life and work. You may feel low or emotional, which can make your pain feel worse.

Treatments for back pain can involve both physical and mental techniques. 

Back pain  causes and symptoms

  • Muscle ache
  • back pain spasm
  • Shooting pains
  • Pain radiating down your leg
  • Pins and needles sensations
  • Numbness in your leg
  • Pain gets worse with activity
  • Pain gets better when lying down
  • Stiffness of your back 
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control

How do emotions affect back pain?

How you feel and respond to pain is a really complex process. There’s the physiological process – what’s happened in your body to cause the pain. And there’s the psychological process – how your brain reacts to the pain. Your pain may be very real. But your perception of it (how bad it feels) and its impact on you are strongly influenced by your feelings, attitudes and beliefs.

There is plenty of research on certain things which can slow your recovery. Here are some examples.

  • Believing that pain and activity are harmful. These may be your own beliefs, but they can be reinforced by people who may be trying to protect you.
  • Negative actions can reinforce the belief that you’re unwell – for example, staying in bed for a long time.
  • Having a low or negative mood, depression,stress or anxiety.
  • Having low expectations of how well treatment will work.
  • Relying too much on treatments that don’t help you to slowly increase your physical activity levels and emotional resilience.

What Our Patients Say About Us

Ellie is a kind and caring professional who I would gladly recommend to anyone looking for a Physiotherapist. Not only does she take time to get to know you and the reason you are visiting but she makes you feel at ease and most importantly she gets you your desired results. Don’t live with the pain or keep putting the appointment off call Ellie and be assured you will be looked after in a safe and friendly space.

Anna Hulme

Ellie Physiotherapy & Wellness is recognised by all major insurance providers such as WPA,AXA,PPP,Simply Health,Aviva and many others.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.

Opening times:

Monday: 9:00-6pm
Tuesday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00pm-6pm
Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am -6pm
Saturday: Close
